ALCHEMY OF WOMEN Inc: The AoW Transformational Journey, which includes, but is not limited to, the following programs: Alchemize Your Space, Inner Warrior, Ascension, Creator, Queen &  Soul Sessions - Waiver Release, Consent, Assumption of Risk



At the beginning of this journey, it is important for you as the student to consent to this waiver below. We do this to achieve full clarity around the nature of the changes you as the student may experience, to underline that this is what you have asked for when enrolling in one or many of the AoW programs, and thus to reinforce your teacher’s expectation that you will take full responsibility for the mental, psychological, physical, spiritual, relational or material changes (and their integration), that this work may stimulate in your being and your life, such that you may receive the full and total benefit of this work.  

If you decide to quit any of the programs at any point - which AoW inc./ Lucinda does not advise, since completing each journey is important - you do so in full knowledge of having reached your own personal limits, at whatever level, with the work. You hereby agree to act with maturity and restraint under such circumstances, and to not psychologically, psychically, spiritually, emotionally, materially or in any other way, project your own unresolved wounds, and/or shadow material onto AoW inc., the teacher (currently Lucinda Gray), her associates, family members or other students. This being your choice, responsibility and decision, you will not be entitled to a refund, but upon Lucinda’s discretion you may receive credit towards re-joining a future course. 

The entire intent of the AoW journey is to bring a woman’s self and soul out of a state of oppression and powerlessness, through a rebirth, and into a state of self-knowledge, inner coherence and power. It is not possible to embody one’s power without conquering one’s shadows. And the path to doing that is by starting - and wholeheartedly continuing - to take and assume full responsibility for oneself - all the loved and unloved parts. 

In order for AoW inc. and its teacher, Lucinda, to have freedom, comfort and security when teaching the programs, it/she needs to know students have legally agreed to these terms of exchange. 

The entirety of this form is an important legal document. It explains the assumption of any and all risks in choosing to participate in classes/workshops/courses/programs/events organized and facilitated by, or to follow the advice, insight or teaching whether oral, written or recorded from Creator, Guide, Teacher and Healer Lucinda Homa Gray, operating under AoW inc. It is important that you read and understand it completely. After you have done so, please sign/ initial this form in the relevant places, to indicate that you have read and agreed to the Waiver Release, Consent, and Assumption of Risk.

I acknowledge that AoW Inc. is owned and operated by Lucinda Homa Gray, a healer with 20 years of experience, who is the Creator, Guide, Teacher and sole source behind Alchemy of Women and its set of programs, which include but are not limited to Alchemize Your Space, Inner Warrior, Ascension, Creator and Queen. 

Lucinda is in teaching practice for the purpose of providing students and clients with the opportunities, tools, energetic initiations, insight, vision and context to experience inner and outer transformation and empowerment, with the ultimate aim of healing and evolving at the collective and societal levels. 

I hereby acknowledge I have volunteered to enroll myself or participate in a paid or unpaid soul session/ session, online or in-person class, workshop, program or service with Lucinda Gray (AoW inc), to include, but may not be limited to, any and all services provided, such as AoW teaching, guidance, initiations, tools and journeys as taught and led by Lucinda Gray, AoW Inc. 

I acknowledge that all the material associated with AoW Inc. whether in written, oral, video or visual form is the sole intellectual property of AoW Inc., protected under copyright law, and I will not/ do not have the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works from it which I re-name and re-brand as my own.

In consideration of Lucinda Gray’s agreement to instruct, coach, assist, mentor, guide or train me, I do here and forever release and discharge and hereby hold harmless Lucinda Gray and Alchemy of Women Inc and her respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected with my participation in a healing/ soul session or purchase of any of her programs without limitation, which may occur as a result of following advice tendered and released or training rendered or use of facilities during a session or teaching/circle or retreat event whether online or in-person on her property or in any other location.

I acknowledge that Lucinda Gray is not a medical professional or psychologist and is thus not qualified to give qualified medical advice. I recognize that AoW healing/ soul sessions, coaching, energy healing, and all the tools, initiations and journeys taught in the AoW programs are only some of the options in the management of my physical, spiritual and mental health and not a substitute for medical advice. 

I also recognize that I am choosing at every moment whether to engage in, follow and accept the information, guidance, tools, initiations and journeys set out by Lucinda in her AoW Inc. teaching, sessions, books and manuals, and that it is my responsibility to consult with my medical or mental health professional prior to doing so.

I understand that results are individual and may vary.

I acknowledge and agree that I assume the risks associated with any and all activities, offerings, services, classes and/or programs in which I participate.

In consideration of the services, information and support I have received or will hereafter receive from AoW Inc./Lucinda Gray, I hereby hold harmless AoW Inc./ Lucinda Gray from any and all liability in consequence of such services, information and support given, and release and waive all claim for damage howsoever incurred or to be incurred, as a result of such services, information and support. This release shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns.

I have read this Release prior to enrolling in the program(s) and I understand its effect. I am aware that by signing this Release, I am waiving my legal rights, which I or my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns may otherwise have had against Releasees.

I understand that when submitting myself to undertake a personal, multi-dimensional soul journey, my own shadow material (fears, unwanted patterns, beliefs, feelings, paranoias, habits or addictions whether personal, ancestral or soul level or wounds of any nature) will inevitably arise to be seen, transmuted and distributed as medicine from which I and the feminine collective can grow. I agree to acknowledge these as they arise and resist self-medicating, whether with drugs, caffeine or alcohol. Substances which I acknowledge have been contraindicated by Lucinda Gray for students participating in the AoW programs.

I understand that this is a necessary part of the journey, in order to make space within me at all levels, to bring in new soul and goddess-empowered energies which will elevate my perspective, sense of self, ability to connect with other women and the Divine Feminine to ultimately build a new paradigm. 

On this basis, I commit, agree and will not need reminding by Lucinda or the other AoW students at any point, that it is and will be incumbent upon me to take full responsibility and ownership for this shadow material as it is arising, and to not seek to disown it due to the discomfort it causes me (in whatever form it shows up) by projecting or lashing it out on other fellow AoW students or the teacher Lucinda Gray and/or her teaching assistants/aides. I acknowledge that I am participating in group teaching where I am also expected to hold an open, honest, soulful and safe space for the teacher and other students in the same way as I expect them to hold that space for me.

I thus agree to first take time to sit with this material despite its discomfort, use my tools learned and find its medicine, before reaching out and asking for help. I agree that if I ask Lucinda for help and the topic falls outside of the specific remit of the teaching of the AoW program I am enrolled in, I am to pay her for a soul session since this is asking for personal healing work. 

I further acknowledge and recognize that external as well as internal changes may occur in my life, including but not limited to, my desire to change my job or career, physical/ medical reactions, my desire to change my friendships or relationships, get divorced or have a child. I understand that these are my own personal decisions and physical reactions to the energies and medicines in the work, and I take full responsibility for them, their management and my physical and psychological health. 

My heirs, guardians, legal representatives, and I hereby and forever release, waive, and discharge any claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever against Alchemy of Women Inc and its teacher, creator, guide and healer Lucinda Gray, and/or any of his associates or affiliates. I take full responsibility and I am responsible for all liability for loss or injury incurred while in association with or applying the AoW active meditation techniques, tools, energies, initiations or journeys and information learned from Lucinda Gray and/or any of her associates during or outside of an AoW program or soul session.

I understand that this waiver and release of potential liability is a contract and not merely a recital, and is binding between the above noted parties and her respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns and myself.

This Release may not be altered, amended or modified, except by a written document signed by both parties. I acknowledge that I am registering and participating in this or these programs of my own free will.

This Release has been carefully read and fully understood by the undersigned. The terms have been explained to me and I am freely, knowingly and voluntarily entering into this Release.