Walk the alchemical path of your soul: to heal your wounds, recover your power and change the world with your medicine
External paradigm change requires internal transmutation through a death-rebirth process. Alchemy of Women is the sequential journey guiding you through that process. The journey begins with the AoW Homecoming Portal. This Portal is a transition zone to help you out of your old ways of living, working and relating through your lens of woundedness. Starting with Reclaim Your Body, you then move into the Wound Healing Work (using the Wound Healing Deck in conjunction with Learning Zone and This Magical Self programs). The Wound Healing methodology ( which combines IFS, Constellations and AoW's multidimensional wound healing pathways) guides and supports you to build your own sovereignty pathway through an alchemical death/rebirth journey, transmuting wounds into medicine as you go. This will assist you in freeing up precious space in your being to bring your soul with you into the AoW Ascension Portal. This is the second Portal to the AoW Journey. Ascension is the process of embodying your soul as a power source and vehicle for your Divine Self while still in human form. The AoW Ascension Portal is composed of five downloaded programs: Inner Warrior > Ascension > Creator > Queen > Gaia Magdalene (soon to be uploaded), which each represent a building block of the feminine ascension process. It is essential to know before entering AoW that the goal of this process is 'soul lineage death'. In essence this means a death and rebirth of the 'ways your soul has been surviving and bringing its medicine' over lifetimes within a broken paradigm. The core energy source and essence of your soul remains pure and unchanged, but in order for us to collectively achieve paradigm change, we must reset our souls' behavioral blueprints in order to access our full creative and genetic potential. It is from this reborn 'Creation Self' that we will build a new union-consciousness paradigm to replace the existing domination-based, dualistic one. Before you are even able to enter this work, you have already faced a choice point where you made the decision to let the old Self & cycle die. Coming through the entire birth, death, rebirth and embodiment cycle means encompassing the full spectrum of your passive and active feminine power, and a total transformation of your experience and embodiment of the feminine here on Earth.
You will transmute your personal and ancestral core wounds and shadows, and transmute your old lineage self patterns and attachments to the old paradigm
You will recover a deep relationship with your higher self, your soul/collective self and your divine self, integrating and embodying them all into your human self
Through wound healing work, alchemical journeys and specific initiations you will establish working and integrational relationships with the Goddess & Archetypes teams who collaborate to hold the container of this work
Through transmuting your core wounds, you will uncover your soul's unique medicine, garnered from all its lifetimes of experience
You will learn how to integrate personal healings into learnings and wisdom, which you then send into the collective feminine consciousness for the benefit of all
You will re-weave your energetic relationship with the feminine Archetypes, Gaia and the elemental kingdom, learning to become her guardian and healer as well
You will prepare your human to understand and inhabit an expression of power sourced in the Divine Feminine and based on the continuation of the cycle of life
The initiations in all the programs will open cosmic and dimensional gateways for your soul to 'journey' and connect with source energies, thus redefining your experience of reality itself
You will solidify your own unique role in the evolution of collective feminine consciousness
Through alchemical wound healing work, you will ignite and re-balance your passive and active feminine to establish the sovereignty of your own magical self
Hear AoW students' feedback
“I don't even know what you would say in English. I don't think I have ever felt so connected. It was soul-connecting. I really have a hard time explaining how connected I felt. This is 100% the missing piece for women who've done lots of work, and want to go further.”
Nadia“Ascension has changed my life and completely opened up and shifted my perspective. Metaphorically, this program was another snowball tossed down the hillside that will ultimately create an avalanche of change in my life. It far exceeded my expectations. There was so much we learned and experienced that was completely new to me, yet that also felt absolutely perfect. ”
Sophie“Ascension was and continues to be an incredible experience that has given me many tools to access peace, harmony and energetic growth whenever I want to/ see the need to either help myself or others. I have found some amazing new sisters & have grown in confidence of my own strength and power as a result. ”
Louise“Ascension was the piece of my life that was missing. The part that granted me access to my true path and the removal of what didn’t work. A clearing I needed to transform. There is no means of measuring how amazing the program is! Beyond expectations! ”
Acacia“On a collective level we learn how to heal female trauma and are building a community of women. On an individual level, The very essence of your soul rises, you find your truth, and you become free of programming. My only expectation was uncovering the truth about our existence, and yes i found it. ”
Madi“Ascension has taught me how to journey without chemicals; that constant transmutation is available and the only effort is in being fully present and taking full responsibility of myself. I can honestly say I didn't have any expectations of the program yet where it took me opened my eyes to a whole new world that exceeds any expectations i have ever had on the way in which I live and experience life!!! ”
Nikki“Creator exceeded expectations beyond anything I could possibly imagine, no possible way to know what one is in for. Out of this world, literally. Ascension felt like digging through the muck, clearing out all the cobwebs and shadows from the corners, shaking out all the curtains and doing a really deep spring cleaning on the inside. Creator was vastly different from Ascension, in using the same metaphor it was like walking out of the deeply cleaned house and creating a beautiful and luscious garden around the entire house simply by pointing or thinking things into being. S ”
Sophie“Creator surpassed any expectations I was capable of at the time, as it opened my eyes and spirit to an overview of myself and life. Both the game and the rules changed. I was standing on an island between two ‘worlds’. An island I had to dive in and swim to.. I knew there was something beyond the mist.. I could feel it but couldn’t see it or get there myself. I knew I needed help.. My life and perspective had shifted. I had very clear work before, both internal and external but needed help to get there. The gap was so I couldn’t do it alone. In the physical world I needed to get a loan to start a business that would both serve the community, and serve as a foundation for my daughter and I and financial stability. Creator did the same for me on the energetic levels. ”
Nikki“Just before the Creator program I was feeling as I was sitting inside of a space that I could not see the whole picture. I was starting to understand where I was in life and my purpose, but couldn’t quite grasp the whole concept. I felt like it was a wonderful next step in the unfolding ones true potential. A magnificent flower to bloom. Lucinda is brilliant and was able to encompass a unique perspective and bring light and power into my life. For that I am truly thankful. ”
AcaciaWho downloaded this work?
Lucinda H Gray
Creator & Guide
[email protected]PROGRAM PORTALS
Women begin in AoW Homecoming Portal, then move to AoW Ascension Portal. Men begin in MDH Homecoming Portal
Reclaim Your Body > The Wound Healing Work (Learning Zone + This Magical Self Programs)
Inner Warrior > Ascension > Creator > Queen > Gaia Magdalene (to be uploaded soon)
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Enter the collective feminine work, as you embrace the power of the Goddess. Duration: 4 weeks (3 Field-activated Initiations, 26 audio-guided journeys with accompanying original written material & community chat group)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Integrate new power sources into your multi-dimensional being & become a creator of the new paradigm. Duration: 3 weeks (Field-activated initiations, audio-guided journeys & original written material).
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Embody sovereignty through wholeness, as you purify your intentions and rediscover the Active Feminine through your Goddess Self. 6 weeks (Audio-guided alchemical runes & journeys; field-activated initiations; original written material).
Your questions answered...
Do I need any prior experience to go on this journey?
If a woman has faced a choice point or hit a ceiling in her life/work/ pattern of relationships, and decided to allow the old self to die, then she is ready for this journey. If she has already done therapy and built within skills of self-observation, awareness and responsibility she will have a good foundation to receive the transformation and expansion made possible through this work.
Will I need to make any lifestyle changes to go on this journey?
Yes. If you regularly consume caffeine and/or alcohol (and recreational drugs or plant medicine), you will need to stop for the duration of the program. As noted by previous students, consuming these substances inhibits an initiate's sensitivity levels when receiving the energetic initiations and upgrades.
Can I combine spiritual practices?
Since AoW is a body of work proposing change and transformation of your entire cellular and multidimensional being, all of your being needs to be made available to the actual process itself. Thus, based on previous experiences, Lucinda does not recommend actively learning or practising other modalities or initiatory practices (including Reiki and breathwork) for the duration of any AoW program. However, you can return to these practices afterwards as you wish. In other words, please don't mix your energetic drinks, it will throw you off the scent and we not be able to vouch for your safety or success!
Can other modalities or practices support the integration of the AoW work?
Yes. Previous students have reported physical changes and symptoms in response to the energetic work they are moving through in these programs. There is also a psychological element, depending on how much conscious/subconscious work you have already done. Thus you will undoubtedly require other therapeutic/ counseling and somatic support as you shed, release, evolve and redefine aspects of your self and your reality. Counselling (in particular IFS), massage, reiki treatments, acupuncture, biodynamic osteopathy or sound baths/ sound healing are all examples of therapeutic options which can help with the mind-energy-body integration process.
How do I graduate the Homecoming Portal to qualify for the Ascension Portal?
You will need to work through Reclaim Your Body and This Magical Self (the feminine wound healing work). We suggest 3-6 months or more for this stage. When you feel ready for the Ascension Portal, you will contact the team and they will assess your readiness to move forward.
What comes after the AoW Ascension Portal?
After the Homecoming & Ascension Portals, you can graduate to the Creation Portal which is comprised of two programs: Collective Union and Paradigm of Creation. These programs teach you the technology and embodiment of the new paradigm technology. The Creation Portal will guide the birth of your new Collective Self and your Creation self, free from the burdens of Her old soul lineage.
My male partner is interested in walking his own journey alongside me. Is there a program for him?
Yes. He can email [email protected] to access the wound healing work for the masculine.
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